Bug Out Bag: What You Need To Know

Bug Out Bag: What You Need To Know

Bug Out Bag

When preparing for the unimaginable, one useful tool you can have is a Bug Out Bag. A Bug Out Bag, or BOB for short, is a bag you can grab in a moments notice that is packed and ready to go with the necessary tools and essential items to help you survive for a few hours, days, or even weeks. Below we have compiled a list of items to help you be better prepared and ready to go whenever your BOB is needed.

Picking the bag: 

When picking your bag for your BOB, you can spend as little or as much as you want. Just keep in mind, the more you spend, the better quality the bag will be. If you are someone that is money conscious, we recommend spending more on the items in the bag, than on the bag itself. If able, invest in a quality bag. Your bag might be your main life line one day, so choose wisely. 


This first list is the absolutes and the necessaries. This is the bare minimum for your bag, you will really want more than these items, but this will suffice in an emergency.

  • First Aid Kit
  • Trauma shears
  • Fire starter
  • Some type of water purification 
  • Shelter of some sort (tent will work)
  • Flashlight with extra batteries 
  • Warm clothes (including warm socks)
  • Compass
  • Machette 
  • Any prescriptions 
  • Glasses (if needed)
  • Paracord
  • Duct Tape
  • Small Pot
  • Multitool
  • Tourniquet

Useful Items:

This list includes items that are not essential but might come in handy.

  • Toilet Paper
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Cash
  • Maps
  • Drybag
  • Sleeping bag 
  • Bartering items
  • Granola/ Fiber bars
  • Self Defense tools
  • Anti Bacterial Wipes
  • Axe or hatchet 
  • Pepper Spray 
  • Charger 
  • Portable battery charger
  • Portable solar charger
  • Passport card


Disclaimer: This list was put together to better help you prepare for trials and hard times. This is purely opinion based and you should carefully consider your own needs and ideas for your bag.
